Do whatever floats your boat, as long as it doesn’t sink mine.
Lime’s Founding Father
Kev’s family happily push him out the door each night to continue the good work of serving the Ponsonby Community bloody good drinks. Tone-deaf himself, it’s an immense source of pleasure to Kev to provide an environment where patrons can belt their lungs out with reckless abandon.
Can actually sing…
Leah is the leader of the Lime pack when it comes to musical ability. An exceptionally talented musician who happens to be able to smash out some mean cocktails as well. Leah has been a beloved member of the Lime family for a while now and her love of Sambuca shots means it will always be on the back bar.
Guy Smilie / Health & Safety officer
The pandemic was not kind to this guy. Hiding that mile-wide smile behind a big old N45 is a crime against humanity. Feeling a bit under the weather? Come visit Simon and you’ll be infected with the happies.
Pitty the fool that messes with Ono ya’ll! It’s shits and giggles until that one schmuck (and there’s always one) starts raining on your parade. Ono is like a magician... *smoke-cloud* and they’re outta there...
Hospo widow / Cocktail Tester
Alex happily pushes Kev out the door each night... after all, having sole discretion of the remote is not an insurmountable problem. When duty calls to test out the latest cocktail, it’s body on the line for Alex. She’s also the voice of all the nonsense on our Socials and makes Limes menus look nice.
If you'd only stuck to micro-biology, maybe messing about with small bugs would be deemed more critical by Immigration NZ than cocktails?! But WTAF, because cocktails are essential to life and yours are top-goddam-notch! Mark our words, NZ will suffer your loss.
Former resident Brit on the side
Tom gave 1.5 years to the Lime family and we're stoked to have had him. He not only makes bloody great cocktails also happens to have an encyclopaedic knowledge of breathtakingly random shit, which made him the kinda guy our customers loved.
Former Manager
Loved by everyone with a personality, George was Lime’s Manager and now pops back in for guest appearances when we can steal him away from his current employer. George has been tending the bar at Lime since he was 6 months old - perched on the bartop admiring Kev’s handy work.
Adopted Daughter
I guess you could say Alicia technically doesn’t work for us at the moment, but look, we aren’t giving up that easily. Alicia is currently swanning about below deck in Europe, but we’ve granted her a lifetime membership to Team Lime so she’d be welcomed back anytime.
The Boomerang
Honestly, we can’t get rid of the guy. Rob is has worked for us for several stints over the years and hold a lifetime membership to Team Lime. A legit barman, but it’s actually the fish he catches and distributes that best determines the status of his employment.